
The links below provide access to resources, organized by topic, for people living with Post COVID-19 Condition (PCC), or Long COVID, and their families.

In Saskatchewan, self-management resources are available for users. Click the button below which will direct you to the Saskatchewan Health Authority website.

Click the link below to access an interactive guide resource to help you identify specific information and personalized tools tailored to your recovery needs provided by Long COVID BC.

Click the link below to access the peer support group by Lung Sask. It's an online community which provides a platform where people who have had COVID-19 and/or are living with Long COVID, along with their loved ones, and their caregivers can ask questions, share their stories, and provide encouragement and peer support to one another. A community to help you navigate your journey.

Saskatchewan Health Authority - About Long COVID or Post-COVID-19 Condition

"According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Post COVID-19 condition occurs in individuals with a history of probable or confirmed SARS CoV-2 infection, usually three months from the onset of COVID-19 with symptoms that last for at least two months and cannot be explained by an alternative diagnosis. In plain terms, Post-COVID-19 condition (long COVID) usually happens three months after a person has been sick with the COVID-19 virus. It lasts for at least two months and there is no other illness present that can explain the way a person is feeling."

World Health Organization (WHO) - Episode #47 - Post COVID-19 condition

Resources coming soon!

Post-Exertional Malaise (PEM) & Fatigue:

Brain fog:

Shortness of Breath:

Sleep problems:

Mental Health:





Children & Adolescents:


What is Post COVID-19 Condition?

Discover the essential details about Post COVID-19 Condition (PCC) with our "What is Post COVID-19 Condition?" infographic, designed specifically for members of the public, patients and their families/caregivers. If you'd wish to save the infographic, click on the save icon in the top right corner of the infographic, or press CTRL+S.

Should we use masking to prevent Post COVID-19 Condition?

Explore evidence-based strategies for reducing the risk of Post COVID-19 Condition with our "Should we use masking to prevent Post COVID-19 Condition?" infographic, developed using CAN-PCC Guidelines. If you'd wish to save the infographic, click on the save icon in the top right corner of the infographic, or press CTRL+S.

Share a Resource

CME recognizes how quickly scientific knowledge is evolving and encourages people living with PCC, their families, and their supporting health care providers to notify our team of new insights relating to complementary treatment methods and available community supports, as well as new PCC resources that we should review and consider adding to our resource list.


CME has received permission to share anonymous testimonials, from people living with PCC here in Saskatchewan, to help the community put a human face on this condition and develop an understanding of the lived experiences of affected individuals and their families.

Please consider reading the testimonials included below, and submitting one of your own, if you or your family have been impacted by PCC.