COM Strategic Directions

The College of Medicine strategic plan will support the university, which, through its plan, will be the
university the world needs. The College of Medicine Strategic Research Plan (2017 – 2022), identifies the following areas of research interest:

  • Discovery
  • Indigenization
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Engagement

Research Initiatives

Barton, J.W., S. Lovo Grona, A. Saxena, MD, E. Abdulhadhi. Transformational Change in Post Graduate Trainees following Cultural Responsiveness Training

Maclean, C., J. Barton, T. Smith-Windsor, C. Holinaty, M. Gieni, U. Okpalauwaekwe. Exploring barriers and
motivators to physician engagement in Saskatchewan.

Dean’s research project
Abdulhadi, E., V. McKinney, S. Oosman, J. Barton, S. Lovo. The Role of Practitioners in Indigenous Wellness –Health Provider Learning with Cultural Responsiveness Training.

The CME Division participates in the annual CPD Research Retreat held at the Canadian CCME.  This is an excellent opportunity to identify opportunities for collaboration in CPD scholarly activities across the CPD community.  Other examples of strategies used by the Division are listed below:  

  • The Associate Dean co-chaired a retreat discussion around national CPD research collaborations in 2018 in Halifax to explore how a national approach to CPD research might be best developed.

  • A unique relationship is shared between CME and the School of Rehabilitation Science and its Continuing Education team.  Both cultural safety courses were co-developed by the two schools with the potential for significant scholarship. The most recent Dean’s project also incorporates the Post Graduate Medical Education office. 
  • Establishment of a research partnership with Faculty Development (FD) to identify common challenges and alignments to better target resource to enhance CPD.  This led to development of a collaborative research project examining physician disengagement in provincial CME and FD programs.   

  • Routine provincial needs assessment in collaboration with FD through SSRL.   

  • Engagement with Gwenna Moss (Dr. C. Hostetter) to identify target objectives for CME as well as consultative engagement with Dr. W. James as relates to projects between CME, SHA and CoM Clinical Departments where scholarship elements will be integrated. 

  • Development of a master CanMEDS roles curriculum map to guide future programming. 
  • Incorporation of a scholarly element in the Wellness Initiative with Dr. Chakravarti and the Department of Anesthesia examining learner and institutional wellness (in development).