
We offer a wide range of services to support your program development and execution.  Our experienced team is here to assist with all elements of program planning.

The Division of Continuing Medical Education, University of Saskatchewan is fully accredited by the Committee on Accreditation of Continuing Medical Education (CACME). As such we can help you accredit your event for specialists for the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program and for Family Physicians though the Mainpro+ program. Our Accreditation Team helps organizing committees stay on track with all the elements required by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and the College of Family Physicians of Canada for an event to be claimed for study credits by your learners.

The below links provided provide additional information on the requirements for event accreditation.

  • Needs assessments
  • Development of Learning Objectives
  • Program design (synchronous & asynchronous)
  • E-learning development
  • Evaluations
  • Outcome measurement

    • Venue selection & contract negotiation
    • Catering & AV setup
    • Event app management
    • Speaker management
    • Sponsorship management

    • Platform selection
    • IT services
    • Event set-up
    • Speaker training support
    • Sponsorship management

    • Registration management
    • Credit card processing
    • Learner tracking
    • Record keeping

    • Budgeting & expense reimbursement
    • Payment processing
    • Cost reconciliation & financial reporting

    • Marketing Plan development
    • Social media campaign
    • Digital advertising
    • Print advertising
University of Saskatchewan
5B26, Health Sciences Building
107 Wiggins Road
Saskatoon SK S7N 5E5
(306) 966-7787