Assessor Resources

To log in go to: and then enter your Usask NSID and password. This secure site contains assessor training resources including recorded presentations, an invoice template and Clinical Field Assessment forms.

To access the modules go to:
You will have been sent log-in information from Learn Upon. If you do not have a log-in please notify the SIPPA Coordinator.
MCC is working on certifying the modules for MAINPRO+ credits.

If you do not have a faculty appointment, SIPPA administrative staff will assist you in obtaining one through the Department of Academic Family Medicine.

Usask CoM Faculty Engagement:

Usask CoM Faculty Orientation to Teaching: Faculty Development

  • New faculty pdf (2017) – recommended for all those new to teaching:

Faculty Appointments - College of Medicine | University of Saskatchewan (

  • Resources link:

Faculty Appointments - College of Medicine | University of Saskatchewan (