

For over 10 years, Saskatchewan has had the highest annual rate of new HIV and Hepatitis C (Hep C) diagnoses in the country (Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), 2023). Additionally, the province now has one of the fastest growing rates of syphilis infections in Canada (PHAC, 2023). This has resulted in an urgent need to educate healthcare providers across the province how to recognize, test, treat, and manage these sexually transmitted and blood borne infections (STBBI) in their clinics.  

In response, the STBBI Treatment Education Program for Saskatchewan (STEPS) was created to provide free, accessible, and accredited continuing medical education through the STBBI Virtual Classroom.  

Since the conception of STEPS, the program has grown to offer additional services to support new prescribers. 

STEPS is possible from an unrestricted educational grant from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health.

HIV & Hep C Prescriber Support

STBBI Virtual Classrooms

The STBBI Virtual Classroom delivers live presentations to healthcare providers in Saskatchewan, featuring local experts who share up-to-date information on STBBI testing, treatment, management, and prevention. Presentations highlight Saskatchewan-specific resources and allow participants to ask questions. Recordings are available for all registrants. Past presentations may be accesssed via the online Portal.

For more information please click on the button below.

Advisory Commitee

From different professions and walks of life, we are proud of the diverse group we get to call our Advisory Commitee. They volunteeer their time and energy to help us create and continue the STEPS program.


Contact Us

We are located in the Continuing Medical Education Department within the College of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan. If you have any inquiries, please reach out to us at STEPS@usask.ca
