
The Division of Continuing Medical Education is pleased to expand on our existing Wellness Program with the following series of accredited education sessions. These are intended for people leaders, such as Department and Division Heads, who are looking for Wellness sessions to support their faculty on a wide variety of topics. All sessions are designed to act as a standalone element delivered in a single 1-hour session, or to be combined into a module to support a broader learning engagement (i.e. a half day, full day, etc.). Each session is accredited by CME for 1 hour of Group Learning Activity through the MOC program at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

CME recognizes that a lack of organizational and individual Wellness may well be the single, largest challenge for people leaders and individuals as we move forward through the pandemic and beyond. The evidence is clear: when faculty and learners participate in Wellness and personal health training, the organization and the individual become healthier and more productive. As always, CME remains dedicated to supporting you and your faculty in all areas of your professional growth and evolution.

Questions and requests may be directed to CME Wellness, cme.events@usask.ca

For the Organization 

Leadership & Wellbeing | Presenter: Dr. Alana Holt 
At the end of this session, participants should be able to:

  • Distinguish and compare the different leadership disciplines 
  • Discuss how to cope with the emotional toll on leaders 
  • Analyze your leadership style and explain how it guides you to lead through change 

Fundamentals of Civility | Presenter: Dr. Davina Tai
At the end of this session, participants should be able to:

  • Explain what incivility is 
  • Examine the circumstances around why incivility occurs 
  • Recognize why incivility matters 
  • Analyze how might incivility be prevented and managed 
  • Evaluate one’s own level of civility, professional fulfillment, and level of burnout.  

Linking Physician Wellness & Patient Safety: Impact of Adverse Events, Unanticipated Death, College Complaint and Litigation

At the end of this session, participants should be able to:

  • Recognize the possible physical and psychological impact of medical error, unanticipated death, college complaints, and medical litigation on a physician and its impact on patient safety.
  • Discuss the potential paths in the natural history of response and recovery from the event(s).
  • Define strategies, resources, interventions, and workplace culture change that support physicians who are dealing with such a challenge

If you would like to learn more about any of the sessions above or to book one of the sessions please contact the CME Wellness Program cme.events@usask.ca