
When and Where

Sunday, March 21st, 2021

University of Saskatchewan,  Saskatoon, SK


NRP Provider Program Poster: Click Here

Registration Fees: $300.00  REGISTRATION 

Participants are responsible for obtaining the 7th edition NRP Provider Manual.  Participants are required to successfully complete the NRP On-line exam as a pre-requisite to attending the course. Further details about the Manual and Online Exam will be included in the confirmation letter provided by your local contact. The cost of the exam is $28.50 USD and is not included in the cost of the workshop. Employees of health regions may have access to institutionally purchased log-on codes at a reduced cost

For Information Regarding the NRP Provider Program:

Leah Thorp, MN RN PNC© 
Coordinator, Perinatal Outreach Education Program                 

Regina General Hospital – Regina SK                             

Saskatchewan Health Authority |T. (306) 766-0707 | F. (306) 766-4149


Please note that we accept payment only by credit card or institutional/company cheque payable to the University of Saskatchewan. Registrations will not be processed until payment is received. 

Refund policy: Cancellations must be received in writing two weeks prior to the course and will be subject to a $60.00 + GST administration fee. Refunds will not be considered within the 2 week period preceding the course. Continuing Medical Education cannot accept registration substitutions. The University of Saskatchewan, Division of Continuing Medical Education reserves the right to cancel the course due to insufficient registration or circumstances beyond our control. Each registrant will be notified with a full refund following. Continuing Medical Education, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan is not responsible for any other costs including, but not limited to, airline or hotel penalties.

COVID-19 NRP Guidelines

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