Coaching and Mentorship Program for Saskatchewan Physicians (CoMPAS)

What is CoMPAS?

Roles & Eligibility


Coach/Mentor (+5 years)

Ideally a Coach/Mentor should have a minimum of five years’ experience practicing medicine and providing patient care in Saskatchewan. Preference will be given to physicians with experience that offer a diverse perspective when faced with limited resources and are knowledgeable about community engagement. We define the Coach/Mentor role as follows: 

Define a Coach

Guides through questioning, reflection and other appropriate strategies and tools to promote desirable and sustainable changes to benefit their career development and patient care. The relationship within CoMPAS is formalized based on defined expectations. Working together, aiming for a successful professional career within SK, is expected to be achieved by solidifying strengths and improving identified gaps and areas of weakness as defined and prioritized by the Coachee.

Define a Mentor

Supports & advises a junior colleague with less experience to help them be successful. Advocates for the mentee & helps the mentee advocate for themselves. Helps identify opportunities, locate resources, & connect with influential people who can assist the mentee in their career. Helps the mentee get to a place they would not otherwise be able to achieve in a career advancing role; may be targeted to career trajectory in academic settings. Relates to the needs of the mentee i.e., could be clinical, leadership, or research.

Within the CoMPAS program, our Coach/Mentors will be able to analyze situations and communicate with their Coachee/Mentee to determine the proper approach to learning and guidance.

Eligibility / Criteria

  • Actively practicing medicine within Saskatchewan. 
  • Active registration and in good standing with CPSS.
  • Have more than 5 Years of practice experience in Saskatchewan.
  • Have a willingness to learn through peer engagement and interactions.
  • Can create up to 30 hrs / year to dedicate to CMP engagement and other program activities.
  • Have willingness to meet all training/educational requirements, developed and prepared by Faculty Development and the CME offices.


Coachee/Mentee (-5 years)

The program is open to all physicians in Saskatchewan (family medicine, specialists, rural and urban practice locations) in their first five (5) years of practice in Saskatchewan. For example: a physician is eligible to apply even if they practiced medicine in their home country for 10 years but have only been in Saskatchewan for one.

Eligibility / Criteria

  • Actively practicing medicine within Saskatchewan.
  • Active registration and in good standing with CPSS.
  • Are in the first 5 years of practice within Saskatchewan.
  • Have a willingness to learn through peer engagement and interactions.
  • Can create up to 30 hrs / year to dedicate to CMP engagement and other program activities.
  • Have willingness to meet all training/educational requirements, developed and prepared by Faculty Development and the CME offices.



Dates & Timeline


Applications for each iteration will close 4-6 weeks in advance of the training event.
Do not apply if you are unable to clear your schedule for the CoMPAS Training Day date.

Iteration Training Day CMP Matched Applications
Year 1A Dec 9, 2022 Dec 15, 2022 Closed
Year 1B Jan 27, 2023 Feb 7, 2023 Closed
Year 1C Mar 24, 2023 Apr 4, 2023 Closed
Year 2A Dec 2, 2023 Dec 15, 2023 Closed
Year 2B May 10, 2024 May 24, 2024 Closed
Year 3 Dec 7, 2024 Dec 20, 2024 August 2024
Year 4 Dec TBD, 2025 August 2025
Year 5 Dec TBD, 2026 August 2026

Apply Now to CoMPAS


Individual applications, for both the Coach/Mentor and the Coachee/Mentee, are required to be considered for selection into the program. The CoMPAS Selection Committee will review all applications and a communication will follow accordingly within the program timelines.

Mentorship Program Entry


CoMPAS also wants to support physician engagements at a local level, or within your community of practice. The mentorship program is available to a Coachee/Mentee who has already identified a Coach/Mentor they wish to be paired with. This is for physicians who want a formal engagement with a colleague they work closely with and would enter the program pre-matched. Once accepted, both physicians are required to participate in the CoMPAS Coaching Basics and Training Day.

  • Individual registrations are still required by both the Mentor (+5 yrs) and the Mentee (-5 yrs).
  • The Mentee needs to submit a Mentorship Program Entry Form (~1 minute)


All program participants will be provided access to the University of Saskatchewan's learning management system (Canvas) that will host program resources and additional training tools.

CoMPAS: Coaching Basics
Asynchronous Prep Work
Self-Directed Learning | MOC & Mainpro+
Up to 10 hours

Participants will onboard and complete mandatory CoMPAS prep work, reviewing articles, videos, completing small assignments prior to the virtual Training Day. This will provide Section 2 Learning Credits for your Mainpro+/MOC journey.

CoMPAS: Training Day
Online Virtual Training
Group Learning | MOC & Mainpro+
6.5 hours

All program participants must participate in the virtual training day, un-paired, to learn more about the program details, receive an introduction to coaching and being coached, participate in workshops/sessions, and to network. This will provide Section 1 Learning Credits for your Mainpro+/MOC journey.

CoMPAS: Lifelong Learning
CMP Skill Development
Self-Directed & Group Learning | MOC & Mainpro+
Up to 20 hours

The Lifelong Learning course offers a variety of extra training for a deeper dive into the CMP roles – extra resources, interactive workshops, etc. Bi-monthly virutal sessions help further develop coaching and mentoring skills and enrich CMP relationships. Where possible these workshops will be accredited by CME.

Coach/Mentors - this extra training supports their role as Coach/Mentor to be able to professionally, and safely, handle a variety of sensitive scenarious within a CMP. This will provide Section 1 & Section 2 Learning Credits for your Mainpro+/MOC journey.

Coachee/Mentees - are asked to participate in developing a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) to further support their personal and professional goals. Time dedicated to PLPs will provide Section 2 Learning Credits for your Mainpro+/MOC journey.


Scientific Planning Committee / Program Steering Committee

All potential sources of bias have been mitigated by the CME offiice. The CoMPAS Program Manual (link above) acknowledges and lists all committee members.


CoMPAS Administrative Team

Dr. Melissa McGee
Physician Lead, CoMPAS

Darla  Schiebelbein
Program Coordinator, CoMPAS

CoMPAS Administrative Support