What is the IMG Support Program?

Saskatchewan Non-Licensed IMG Support Program 

The IMG Support Program provides navigational support and resources to International Medical Graduates (IMGs) living in Saskatchewan. IMGs are individuals who completed their undergraduate medical training outside of Canada including those who have practiced medicine internationally prior to coming to Canada. The IMG Support Program offers a range of services and opportunities to support IMGs on their journey, including information on pathways to medical licensure, advice on how to enhance their chance of matching to residency programs, and guidance to find meaningful alternative healthcare careers in the province. 


Acknowledgements | Program Funding & Development 

The Saskatchewan Non-Licensed IMG Support Program is a project funded by the Ministry of Immigration and Career Training (ICT), Government of Saskatchewan with services delivered through the Division of Continuing Medical Education at the University of Saskatchewan. 

How can we help?

Program participants will have access to support services through our three support streams:  

Stream 1 | Study, Information and Interview Supports 

Through resource distribution, information sessions, and individual assistance, program participants are supported to prepare for medical examinations and residency applications and interviews. Participants have access to CaRMS application support, such as CV and personal letter review, as well as interview preparation sessions. Our online learning management system (Canvas) is continually updated with information and resources to help navigate the way through medical examinations and provides opportunities for IMGs to connect and interact. 

Stream 2 |Clinical Experience Opportunities 

Clinical Experience Opportunities (CEOs) provide a select number of IMGS with an opportunity to observe and participate in a family medicine clinic through two unpaid 60-hour placements. CEO candidates will have the opportunity to participate in supervised patient care to enhance their knowledge of the Saskatchewan healthcare system in preparation for an upcoming CaRMS application. CEO spaces are limited and are subject to strict eligibility requirements.  

Stream 3 | Alternate Health Careers 

IMGs who are considering alternate career pathways can access services such as career counselling, referrals, and application supports. Participants will be supported in the development of a career action plan to assist in entering a fulfilling and rewarding alternate health career.  Participants can access application support, such as resume writing and interview preparation sessions, as well as relevant career information from our online learning management system (Canvas). 

Are you eligible for government grants?

IMGs who are living in Saskatchewan may be eligible for government grants to help cover the costs of required exams and applications on the road to licensure. The Government of Saskatchewan’s International Credential Recognition Grant (CRG) helps internationally trained healthcare professionals to get the credentials they need to work in Saskatchewan in the occupation in which they are trained. Contact the IMG Support Program for more information and to request a grant recommendation form. 


Registration is open throughout the year. Please confirm your eligibility using the requirements below. 


To be eligible to register for the International Medical Graduate (IMG) Support Program, you must be: 

  • an International Medical Graduate (undergraduate medical degree from a non-Canadian accredited school); 
  • ineligible to apply for licensure with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan (CPSS); 
  • eligible to work in and living in Saskatchewan;
  • a newcomer to Canada (immigrated within the last five (5) years); 
  • at least eighteen (18) years of age 

If you do not fit the above criteria, we welcome you to e-mail img.programsupport@usask.ca to discuss your interest in program registration.  

When completing your registration, please explain your Career Action Plan in detail so that program staff understand your immediate and long-term goals and how you plan to achieve them. 

Note: The IMG Support Program is not a licensing program.  If you are searching for information on whether you are eligible for licensure in Saskatchewan, please contact one of the following organizations: 

Contact Information

Sandra Betancur Vesga 
Program Coordinator 
Email: img.supportprogram@usask.ca 

Linda Iwabuchi 
Administrative Coordinator 
Email: img.supportprogram@usask.ca 
Phone: 306-966-8024