
Conference Information

Saskatchewan Psychiatric Association Annual Conference

Date: Saturday May 7th, 2022
Time: 8:00 am - 12:00pm (Sask Time) Virtual CPA CPD Institutes at the Saskatchewan Psychiatric Association Annual Conference

1:00 - 4:00 pm (Sask Time) Saskatchewan Psychiatric Association Annual General Meeting - (Members Only)

Platform: Zoom

Register Here 

Target Audience

The target audience includes  psychiatrists, family physicians, psych nurses and pschyologists. All health care professionals are welcome to attend.

Conference Objectives

At the end of this conference participants will be able to:At the end of the program day, participants will appreciate the impact of the climate crisis on mental health, be able to apply guidelines for third party assessments, and describe evidence-based treatments for alcohol and opioid use disorders


Conference Fees

Psychiatrist Members: $100.00 +GST

Psychiatrist Non - Members: $200.00 + GST

Non-Psychiatrists | Non Members: $150.00 


8:10 – 9:00 am. MDT 

Climate Crisis and Mental Health - Presenter(s) Dr.  Sarah Levitt | Dr. Daniel Rosenbaum
By the end of the session the learners will be able to: 

• Acknowledge that the climate crisis will have significant consequences for mental health
Describe the direct and indirect repercussions of a warming climate on mental health at individual and population levels
• Reflect on how to develop professionally into a “climate literate” psychiatrist

9:00 – 9:50 am. MDT 

The New Canadian Guidelines for Third Party Assessments - Presenter: Dr. Lisa Ramshaw
By the end of the session the learners will be able to: 

• Become familiar with the new Canadian Guidelines for Forensic Psychiatry Assessments and Report Writing
• Understand the requirements of conducting third party assessments and how to apply the guidelines to enhance standards
• Adopt strategies to avoid third party assessment disasters

9:55 am - 11:05 am Resident Poster session (unaccredited event

11:10 am. – 12:00 pm. MDT

Treating Alcohol and Opioid Use Disorders in your Everyday Practice: A Case-Based Learning Conversation Presenter: Dr. Valérie Primeau
By the end of the session the learners will be able to: 

• Describe current evidence-based pharmacotherapy options for people who use alcohol and opioids, including opiate agonist treatments and anti-craving medications
• Compare strategies to manage withdrawal from alcohol and/or opioids based on the clinical setting
• Describe psychotherapy principles and available psychosocial treatments for people who use substances


1:00pm - 4:00pm MDT Saskatchewan Psychiatric Association Annual General Meeting - Members Only (a separate zoom link will be be provided to members only)



Dr.  Sarah Levitt 


Dr. Daniel Rosenbaum


Dr. Lisa Ramshaw

Photo Coming Soon 

Dr. Valérie Primeau
