There have been changes to the Mainpro+ application, please find our updated application below. Please note, old and recycled Mainpro+ applications will not be accepted, you will have to fill out the updated application form.

Step 1: Pay the application fee

CME Accreditation Application Fee (MOC)  

CME Acceditation Application Fee (Mainpro+) 

Step 2: Choose a form

 Event Type


MOC Section 1

 MOC Section 1

MOC Section 3 SAP

 MOC Section 3 SAP

MOC Section 3 SIM

 MOC Section 3 SIM

Mainpro+ Certified Activities & Certified Assessment Activities


Mainpro+ Faculty Development

Mainpro+ Faculty Development 

Step 3: Complete the application form - you may refer to the helpful templates below for budget, evaluation form and conflict of interest form

Budget Template

Evaluation Form Template 

Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form 

Step 4: Submission - send your application package to

Step 5: Status - receipt of your application will be confirmed. Missing documentation or revisions may be required.